Good morning, Friends. As promised, here is your Week 16 journal prompt! Are you facing uncertainty in some aspect of your life? When our path becomes unclear, journaling can help us sort out our thoughts and feelings so that we can gain a better sense of what next step to take. A steady journaling practice helps us stay rooted in our deepest truth so that when chaos ensures in our everyday lives, we can trust that we won’t get swept away. Remember: the destination is never as important as your very next step.
Today before journaling, offer a quick word of gratitude for having gotten where you are in life; consider the wonder of our lungs which developed in response to the oxygen in the air; realize for a moment the unchanging stillness within which chaos and uncertainty unfold. That’s it!
For those who are interested, Please share your response on “Cathartic Clarity”: the Facebook Community I created that’s dedicated to empowering clarity through journaling. If you have any questions or insights you want to share, I would love to hear from you. Let’s get started! This week’s journal prompt is:
Week 16: “In this moment, I am deeply grateful for . . .”
Email me at care if you would like the weekly journal prompts conveniently emailed to you each Saturday. I look forward to hearing from you!
For anyone interested, you can also read some of my journal responses by clicking here.